OSHA First Aid Kit Requirements: All You Want to Know
What’s in OSHA’s first aid kits requirements? Bandages that have lost their effectiveness? An eyewash solution that has been tampered with? Mouth barrier missing?
Having unexpired and in-stock supplies at your facility is critical to employee safety.
Be sure to consider the five main first aid subspecialties when assessing your first aid cabinet requirements. ANSI and OSHA standards are also important to be aware of.
An extensive list of what to keep in your first aid cabinets is provided in this article.
Table of Contents
What is OSHA?
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is a national governmental organization that guarantees safe and healthy working conditions for employees by establishing and enforcing standards and by offering outreach, education, and support in addition to training.
OSHA & First Aid Kits
Every business must stock first-aid kits with the minimum acceptable quantity and variety of supplies according to a baseline list published by OSHA. OSHA, however, also mandates that, in addition to that minimum list, sufficient first aid supplies be accessible at every company, depending on the level of risk present at that workplace. For instance, first aid supplies needed in high-risk settings like construction sites differ greatly from those needed in a typical office building.
OSHA First Aid Best Practices
OSHA also provides tips on how to streamline the compliance procedure for businesses. Read below to see some tips for compliance:
- Assign a particular person to choosing the types and quantities of first-aid supplies you need and maintaining these supplies.
- Your choice of supplies should be in line with the types of accidents that take place at your workplace.
- Supplies must be kept in a location that makes them easily accessible in case of an emergency.
- Make a risk analysis and create a first aid supply list customized for your worksite or worksites.
- Calculate how long it will take the emergency medical services to arrive at each of your locations, day and night.
- Put your first aid policies and procedures in writing and regularly communicate them to all of your employees.
- Your first-aid training should be customized for the requirements of your workplace. To maintain and improve knowledge and skills, training should be repeated frequently.
- Check your first-aid program frequently to see if it still meets workplace requirements. Any out-of-date training materials should be taken out and replaced.
- Keep tabs on any alterations to the workplace’s safety procedures, health risks, and employee schedules. To take into account any of these changes, you should adjust your first aid instruction, equipment, and policies.
- Consider adding an automated external defibrillator (AED)to your first-aid supplies and equipment.
- Consulting with a fire and life safety companyor emergency medical professionals may be beneficial.

The Minimum Supplies You Need to Comply
The following is a list of the minimum acceptable quantity and kind of first-aid supplies OSHA demands for first-aid kits.
- (Minimum 4 x 4 inches) Gauze pads
- Two substantial gauze pads, at least 8 by 10 inches each.
- Band-aids come in boxes with adhesive.
- one package of at least 2-inch-wide gauze roller bandages.
- Two triangle-shaped bandages
- wound-cleaning supplies like towelettes that have been moistened and sealed.
- At least one blanket.
- Adhesive tape.
- Latex gloves.
- resuscitation tools like an airway, a pocket mask, or a resuscitation bag.
- Two elastic wraps.
- the steps for requesting emergency help.
However, OSHA also states, “the contents of the first-aid kit listed should be adequate for small work sites, consisting of approximately two to three employees. Additional first-aid kits or more supplies should be included in the first-aid kits when larger operations or multiple operations are being carried out at the same location.”
This means that unless your company employs three people or fewer, you will probably need much larger quantities of each item than what is listed above.
How Often Should I Inspect Our First Aid Cabinets?
You should regularly check your cabinets and replenish your stock as necessary. OSHA advises assigning responsibility for keeping your first aid supplies to a specific person. While OSHA does not state how often to inspect your supplies they do recommend the following:
- The supplies must be sufficient, appropriate for the different types of wounds that may occur, and kept in a location that makes them simple to reach in case of emergency.
- The first-aid program should be evaluated on a regular basis to see if it still meets the needs of the particular workplace.
Depending on your risk environment and usage patterns, we advise that you inspect your cabinets at least once a month. Every other week and weekly are preferable in some situations. Additionally, cabinets ought to be checked after any workplace accident. You ought to look for products that are out of date, tampered with, missing, or in short supply.
Where the First Aid Cabinets Should Be Located?
It’s critical to have quick access to the first aid kit in case of an emergency. Additionally, it ought to be in a convenient location. The first aid kit shouldn’t be too far away from the first aid provider. In an emergency, they will be able to arrive right away and assist with care.
OSHA requires that all employers provide “a suitable container or kit” for first aid supplies. The employer must provide the container and contents, including:
Adequate quantities of appropriate remedies, such as antiseptic solutions, bandages, sterile dressings, protective devices (such as gloves), and other articles necessary for the protection of employees’ health;
a written record or log of each time a first aid kit is used, as well as instructions on how to notify the employer of injuries.
A first-aid kit with supplies suitable for the kind of work being done at the facility is something that OSHA mandates employers provide. Following OSHA’s instructions, the kit needs to be maintained and restocked.
Why Use a First Aid Service Company?
OSHA advises that you hire a qualified individual to evaluate your workplace’s risks, create a suitable first aid program, manage first aid supplies on a regular basis, make sure supplies are accessible, and review the program periodically to see if it still meets the needs of your particular workplace. A first aid service management company, such as ITU AbsorbTech First Aid, offers a solution to this issue.
ITU AbsorbTech First Aid uses the following proven approach to help customers achieve a safe work environment and greater productivity protection:
- Provide a thorough recommendation after determining the customer’s first aid and safety needs.
– to ensure proper implementation and maintenance of the customer’s approved first aid and safety program.
- Keep adequate product inventory levels so that needed supplies are always available.
- Provide the customer with a sturdy first aid cabinet and the best first aid, training, and safety gear available.
- continually assess the level of our service delivery to guarantee enduring complete client satisfaction.
Read about How to Make a First Aid Kit In Easy Steps?
How to Determine the Adequacy of the First Aid Kit Contents?
Because of the inherent danger employees face on a daily basis when working in high foot traffic areas like construction sites or logging operations, there should be a significant need for additional first aid kits in these situations.
How can you tell if the first aid supplies in your office’s first aid kits are sufficient then? There are several ways to do this in order for you to comply:
- Get an official recommendation from the nearest local OSHA office– you could make an inquiry by sending an official letter. Include as many pertinent details as you can in the letter, such as the quantity of employees, the number of first aid emergencies, the nature of the work being done, the location of the workplace, a contact number, and the company’s email address. Alternatively, you can use this form to submit a request.
- Hire a first aid service company– hiring a service company is a good action to take. The service provider can perform a risk assessment based on how your business is set up; they have a technical expert to offer guidance on how to comply with OSHA recommendations; they can provide first aid supplies and other safety products that have been approved by the industry; they can design the best first aid procedure based on the size of your business; and they can periodically check to see if the procedure is still current to continue to address the needs of your workplace.
- Have a consultation with a medical professional– a medical professional has the competence in choosing which medical supply is needed by workers as they are aware of the hazards present in the workplace. Having an internal medical professional handle a medical emergency is standard advice for large businesses.
Additionally, it is the duty of the business owner to assess the first aid supply to determine whether it is adequate and, if necessary, to increase it.
What Should You Do With Expired Supplies?
Every home and workplace needs a first aid kit. In case of an accident, it ought to be fully stocked with everything needed to provide emergency medical care.
The replacement of expired first aid kit supplies is one of the most crucial things to do. It’s crucial to check your kit for any expired products and replace them right away.
It’s critical to check the expiration dates on first aid kit components because they can lose their potency over time. Bandages and gauze are a couple of the supplies that can expire in a first aid kit. At least once per year, a first aid kit should be inspected.
A first aid kit is an emergency preparedness collection of medical tools and supplies. Bandages, antiseptics, ointments, splints, slings, tourniquets, and CPR masks are frequently found inside. In most cases, these supplies are kept in a transportable container called a first aid kit.
The first aid kit must be regularly restocked; it cannot just be purchased once. This can be accomplished by buying new items or by replacing the exhausted ones. For many individuals who do not require replacing the entire kit at once, the latter option is typically less expensive and more useful.
Frequently Asked Questions
What First Aid Kit Labeling and Markings Are Required?
The labeling and marking of first aid kits are covered in Section 7 of ANSI/ISEA Z308.1-2021. It is required to clearly mark each kit’s locations and to label each one with its contents. If adhesive labels are used, they must not be easily removed and must be legible, permanent, and used only once.
Is Bloodborne Pathogen-related Personal Protective Equipment Required in First Aid Kits?
No, but OSHA does recommend it in 29 CFR 1910.151 Non-Mandatory Appendix A: “Employers are required to provide appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) in compliance with the requirements of the occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens standard, 1910.1030(d)(3), if it is foreseeable that employees will come into contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials while using first aid supplies. This standard identifies the proper personal protective equipment (PPE) depending on the exposure type, such as gloves, gowns, face shields, masks, or eye protection.”