Do Beard Growth Kits Work? Let’s See
Beard growth takes time to complete. To get over the awkward stage between unruly facial hair and a full, fluffy beard, much of time and patience are required. Do beard growth kits work? A beard growth kit, however, can help you get from clean-shaven to completely bearded quickly if you’re lacking either or both of those things.
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The Beard Roller
Beard rollers work by driving a huge number of microscopic channels deep into the skin with extremely thin needles. This causes microdamage and encourages the body’s natural healing process.
Growth hormones are released during the procedure, which encourage keratin synthesis and the growth of beards.
Beard derma rollers, which have been used for many years to treat acne scars, big pores, and wrinkles, have recently gained popularity among males.
Microneedling is another name for this procedure.
Oil For Beard Growth
The best beard oil will get inside your facial hair pores, making your hair more elastic and hastening the growth of your beard.
Like the rest of our beard-growing products, beard growth oils enhance your beard while also preventing harm from free radicals.
Pure argan oil and unprocessed jojoba oil are two examples of beard oils that help hydrate skin underneath your beard and promote beard growth. This eliminates any dead skin cells or other impediments to the rapid growth of facial hair.
Your beard will appear to grow more quickly the tougher and stronger you are.
Beard oil also lessens the irritation caused by the growing-in stubble, which can tempt even the most ardent beard enthusiast to shave their face before a full beard forms.
Do Beard Growth Kits Work?
In a nutshell, beard growth kits do indeed work. However, you must be certain that you are aware of how and why beard growth products function.
We’ll discuss some of the essential beard products found in the majority of beard kits, as well as the ones YOU NEED to help grow out your facial hair.
How To Determine Which Beard Growth Kits Are Legal?
High Quality Products
If the product does not achieve the promised effect, you are like a turtle on your back. So look at the label, man. You want ingredients that really work.
For example, there are hundreds of beard growth oils on the market. But the key is the ingredients. Look for beard oil containing natural growth promoting ingredients, such as jojoba oil, peppermint oil, Japanese essential oil and Himalayan oil, which are highly praised for helping to promote the natural growth of beard.
Never Use Dandruff Shampoo On Face
The skin on your face is much more sensitive than the skin on your scalp, and you may over dry your face – making the problem worse. Consider using a beard shampoo and conditioner specifically designed for whiskers.
Your beard needs to be nourished by ingredients such as peppermint oil, sunflower seed oil, vitamin E, sweet orange and soothing aloe vera. Ingredients like this moisturize and soften the beard, while helping to stimulate and exfoliate the skin under your beard.
A good beard shampoo and conditioner can also remove the dirt, debris and odor on the beard (and occasionally remove the stale snacks in the bar), and will not dry the beard, nor will the natural essential oil on the beard fall off.

Feed Face
You water the lawn and feed the dog. So do your beard, brother. Use the right shampoo and conditioner when taking a shower every morning, and give your face a male spa.
Don’t use shampoo on your beard. Most of these products will actually remove the natural oil from your face, which you need to grow a thick and healthy beard, and will also promote the frightening degradation of your beard. It is very important to take care of the skin under your beard, and try your best to prevent dandruff.
Beard Kit Necessities: Tools
Beard comb is a necessary equipment for every bearded man. Your beard comb can not only help comb and clean your beard, but also it is a key tool to ensure that the beard products you apply completely pass through your beard and penetrate into your skin to achieve the best absorption and effect. As a part of my daily life, I have two beard combs on hand – one when I take a shower and one after I finish painting beard products.
Best beard growth kit and comb
This is a good way to get the maximum benefit from cleaning your beard. Then I dry my beard and apply beard oil. After that, I comb my beard again with the second beard comb at hand, and disperse the beard oil, so that it will be absorbed by my skin, making all my beard good and nutritious all day.
Beard growth kit and brush
Another must in your beard kit is a great beard brush. Most good beards use boar manes. Boar Bristle brush can gently wipe away dirt and excess grease. They can clean and moisturize your face at the same time, making your face feel great, just like you do a beard massage for yourself (believe us, it’s worth it, man).
I am also a loyal fan of the beard reel. This tiny micro needle is another simple and fast method, which can maximize the absorption of the beard products you apply to the skin. Don’t waste a lot of money on electronic tools with high prices and crazy promises. The fact is that some very cheap and simple tools can make a huge change in your beard immediately.
Price & Commitment
This sounds simple, but it is worth repeating. In the long run, buying quality products can save money. Good, high-quality ingredients are useful. And their cost is higher than the ordinary “fluffy filling” products produced by some brands according to the load capacity. So use common sense. Although there is no reason to spend more money, make sure your beard is not too short or too cheap. In addition, we should pay attention to false promises and what I call “nonsense”.
When you think about your beard growth journey, take 30 days as a unit. Every 30 days, you should be able to look in the mirror or take a new photo. Looking back, you will find that there is a very obvious improvement. If you don’t know, return your product for a refund.
To keep your facial hair strong and healthy as it develops, the finest beard growth kits include both grooming and hair growth solutions. A beard growth kit has everything you’ll need to maintain your beard manicured and ready to grow, both now and when that huge, gorgeous beard eventually appears, if you’re seeking to grow it out.